Web2 Vs Web3


1 min read

Many of you like me, have struggled with grasping the meaning of Web3 or how it differs from Web2. I am writing this not as one who has fully understood the difference and significance but as an articulation of my findings.

From my readings, the keywords that constitute the defining line between the two are centralization and decentralization. According to ethereum.org,

Web2 refers to the version of the internet most of us know today. An internet dominated by companies that provide services in exchange for your data. Web3, in the context of Ethereum, refers to decentralized apps that run on the blockchain.

Web2 is a centralized version of the internet, where data and how it flows are controlled by a central storage service company like Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc. Web3 solves this because data is decentralized and users and not companies determine how data flows, full power is given to the users. Just like my favourite movie character Richard Hendricks tried to explain in this video ๐Ÿ˜„

This is an ongoing read, this article will be updated as I continue my 8 weeks Bootcamp Blockgames powered by the ZuriTeam and Nestcoin